
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just an FYI

I know I'm neglecting the post, but I have excuses reasons.

-BIG first exam in my Chemistry class tonight (PLEASE wish me luck!)
- finishing my application for PA school to turn in by Friday 8am (PLEASE wish me luck!)
-getting through two weeks worth of samples at work that I have to have done instead in 4 days (no time at work for quick time really even to write this post)
-Planning Napa.....ok well lets face it, this ones a ridiculous reason to not put up posts, but it's all I want to do right now!!  10-day countdown!

Thurs/Friday: Prepare for Post Explosion!  So many things to update!! (Cardinals game, Sarah's Family visit, Bathroom 99% DONE!!!, Painting Fiasco, The Help Book review)  Oh it's gonna be good!

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You know I love your input!!