I'm trying to build up my mileage while also not hating every moment of the decision I made in signing up for this
Anywho, here's the spreadsheet:
Now: Here's what I need from you:
-If I'm keeping on track with my goals, you need to throw your Jazz Hands in the air for me. Maybe very quietly at your desk/cubicle/life of retirement say, "What what!" "You Go Girl!" "Atta Woman!". Don't worry, I'll hear it
-If I'm slipping, it is your responsibility to send hate mail, stern texts, "Run, Forest, Run!!" calls, etc., my way. Remember, the goal is for me to NOT die on April 15th.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: If anybody has any tips to making this a better routine to get to my goal of not dying at mile 11 on race day, PLEASE clue me in.
You crazy girl!!!