
Friday, April 20, 2012

Laundry Closet Upgrade

Cue my gasp that we bought this house this way.  I still laugh looking back at these photos.  Not that our "in progress" photos of this bathroom currently are any better, but Mannnnnn it's gonna be SWEET when we're finished....which will be very soon! :-)
We purchased a storage cabinet to go over our washer and dryer, oh I dont know, 2 years ago or something close to that.  It's just been hanging out in our garage all this time waiting to be useful.  Poor inanimate object that I feel sorry for.
The Before (Useless tidbit; I believe that was the Lowes bucket that I found my Engagement Ring in.  Still haven't posted that story yet.....aren't you anxious?!):
The After! (The washer and dryer were temporarily moved to our entryway while we were putting the floors down.  It's also a good before and after of our new floor)
We made a few errors when attempting to drill into the "studs".  We believe that there was some wonky business going on behind those walls from when they installed the water lines and the electric outlet for the dryer, but no extra wall is coming down on our watch.  Just keep drilling holes til we find something!
We still need to trim in the frame and hang a curtain (we're going to match it up...hopefully...with what we pick for a shower curtain so it will have a nice flow) and that will be complete.
Now that it's hung, all that we have said is that we wished we'd put it up sooner, so we could have enjoyed the clean finish and not all our stuff sitting on the top of the dryer. Lessons for the next house I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. Hindsight is always much clearer than foresight


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